星漣海 Seanorama 簡介物業地址馬鞍山彩沙街1號發展商長江實業預計入伙日期2018年6月30日單位面積及間隔738至1,732平方呎管理公司高衞物業管理有限公司物業總數454車位數目住客停車位:272物業座數6座(1座、2A座、2B座、3A座、3B座及3C座)最高層數第1座:16層(不設4樓、13樓及14樓)第2A座及2B座:24層(不設4樓、13樓、14樓及24樓)第3A、3B、3C座:
物業地產 / 住宅買賣畢小姐

The perfect place to experience the buzz, leisure and convenience of the city.
L物業地產 / 服務式住宅Luard On the Park

Products:Furniture, Decor,Clothing,Rugs,Light Set,Seating,Bedding & Mattress,New Born,On the Go & Gear,Feeding,Bath & Skin Care

Soybean oil - crude, unrefined, extraction, fat, vegetable, natural, liquid. It is made from seeds (beans) of soy commodity, the first grade, DSTU: 4534:2006. Without GMO.

Whether new or used, the company specializes in the purchase of vehicles from various European countries and Japan.
G汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Gainfull Motors Trading Ltd.

Sunrise has devoted herself to be one of the best ESL job agencies in China since it's established, by providing TEFL jobs.
商業 / 語言課程sunriseesljobs

Chronic constipation, headache, back pain, indigestion, bloating discomfort, diarrhoea and arthritis can be attributed to wastes trapped in the inner wall of the colon whereby toxins are absorbed i
H健康及醫療 / 浣腸水療HydroHealth Colon Hydrotherapy Ltd

World-class experienced international tutors from Oxbridge or Ivy League equivalent universities around the world. (IB/GCE/IGCSE)
P教學進修 / 補習PMEG Academy

2 Storey 8 Beds+1 Office, 5 Baths New House in a Convenient Location near Restaurant, Bar and Resorts located in Chiang Dao Cave Village Chiang Mai Thailand

Singapore's Leading Provider of Business Software

海之戀‧愛炫美 Ocean Supreme 簡介物業地址荃灣大河道100號發展商長江實業預計入伙日期2019年6月30日單位面積及間隔2房至4房,實用面積由497至1,163平方呎住宅樓層高度約9呎9吋至12呎10吋(約2.975米至3.9米)管理公司香港鐵路有限公司或其子公司物業總數1436物業座數4座(1座、2A座及2B座、3A座、3B座及3C座及5A座、5B座及5C座)最高層數第1及第2座(
物業地產 / 住宅買賣畢小姐

We also aim to record the changes of fashion trend in order to enhance our understanding to the clothing and textile market, and the development of living culture in Hong Kong.
P美容 / 形象顧問Pixel Media HK Ltd.

一房两厅連開放式廚房, 2分鐘到鵝頸橋街市,生活配套極度方便近在咫尺! 實用420尺,大廳大房大廚房!裝修包傢俬和電器,間隔實用,電器齊全,拎包即住!二十四小時保安,交通生活配套方便王安全!2分鐘到時代廣場,鵝頸橋街市,銅鑼灣地鐵站! 豪華裝修:設電視,洗衣機乾衣機,微波爐,消毒碗碟機,煮食爐,抽油煙機,濾水器,熱水煲,標準上下兩層雪櫃,吸塵機,真皮梳化,食飯枱, 電視櫃,書枱/梳妝台,冷氣機

We have a few 2nd hand Cars for Sale under good deals !!!! Please visit the details !!!
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠德星汽車維修服務TAK SING GARAGE

鋼琴老師 | 伴奏導師 | 演奏 Piano Teacher | Accompanist | Performance 古典鋼琴 Classical piano 樂理 Theory of Music 視譜訓練 Sight-Reading 樂器伴奏,參加音樂考試,比賽及表演 Accompanist for Music Exams, Competitions and Festivals
M音樂 / 教學進修Miss Chang

A British-born Chinese myself, I am an HKU MBBS Student wanting to be a tutor and am confident to raise your expectations and apply for better universities!
A教學進修 / 補習Alexander Ng

W商業 / 速遞We The Best Transport Company Limited (We het beste transport bedrijf)
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